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  5. Power Generation Application

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- [Voiceover] So let's first look at the power generation by co-produced fluids. Ormat Technologies, coupled with the Department of Energy, had a goal of producing electrical energy from the lost thermal energy of hot water, which is produced from oil and gas wells. Ormat and the Department of Energy developed the mobile Rankine Cycle generator. It's a mobile power generator and it was field tested at the Rocky Mountain Oil Testing Facility in Casper, Wyoming. The power generator can produce up to 250 kilowatts. It's an air-cooled binary system and again, it's highly mobile. Secondary fluid that it uses such as isobutane and again, is extremely useful for on-site power generation and excess energy can be recycled and channeled back in to a power grid. The exhaust or vapor can be condensed and reinjected in to the reservoir to sustain fluid volume. It was tested at the Rocky Mountain Oil Testing Facility at the Teapot Dome. Just to give you some details of the test, it used stripper wells, and the influent in to the system was approximately at 70 degrees. The effluent water, which was reinjected back into the reservoir, was about 152 degrees Fahrenheit, and 170 degrees Fahrenheit was the influent. Just that temperature differential produced about 132 kilowatts of a net output. It was expected if 190 degrees Fahrenheit could be obtained, it could produce 230 kilowatts of energy. If this was utilized in the U.S. oil fields, a potential of about 5,000 megawatts of energy could be potentially produced.